Budapest on NYE is a big party – and a very popular one. Many many people come from abroad and from all over the country to celebrate the passing year properly. For this reason, there are masses on the streets wondering around, looking for the best options and looking for adventures.
It will be relatively cold as well, that is an other thing to take into consideration when we are preparing for the event. Dress up warmly and comfortably and eat well before the party in order to make sure that you can wait outside in front of a club/bar, since most of these places will be packed. Maybe you can avoid too much waiting if you buy tickets in advance, but of course that is no guarantee either.

Group of friends toasting with champagne New Year’s Eve in Budapest
An other reason for dressing up warmly is the possibility of not being able to catch a cab. Again, the streets will be packed, so it won’t be easy. It makes sense to have a well laid out plan as well for such occasions.
We would also suggest to be spontaneous! A bit of flexibility is needed for this special evening, as most of the people are celebrating and this implies a certain level of craziness.
Oh, and charge your phone. Will be a long one.